Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 16, 2011

I am sitting in JOHANNESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT!!! I am going back home and I can say that I am not the same PERSON that left 6 weeks ago. I have been hugging and crying all morning as I plan to leave my SIT FAMILY.

Our last week was in a backpackers lodge called Hippo Hide. We had to complete our 10 page paper at this time and mine was on Soweto: 16 June 1976. We gave presentation on Thursday and that night we decided to unwind and go out the local club....(take a seat because this is going to be a bumpy ride!!).

Out of respect for privacy I will not mention any names..but we went absolutly AMERICAN on they asses!!  (sorry I had to cuss). It was 8 of us who walked in but only 4 walked out...the others were either picked up or drugged out. I have no idea what everyone drunk but it took all of 90 MINUTES to get to the club, get to the bathroom and get kicked out!!!

I was the MOMMA HEN, of course, I didnt even get to drink but I made sure that my chicks were safe and secure. I'd like to think that we got extremly close during this time ( brushing someone's vomit out of their hair will do it everytime..) It was the perfect ending to an AFRICA WILD story and I can't wait for our reunion trip (No alcohol please...lol).

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 8, 2011

I GREATLY APOLOGIZE...that had to be TORTURE waiting for me to come back to the STAGE! But I'm here and can't wait to FILL you IN...Let's GO!!!

June 20-July 1: This was the LAST week at Menzi High School and everyone was getting ready for the MATRIC DANCE FESTIVAL on Friday. We, the SIT students, were singing "We are the World" and the Menzi students were doing traditional dance, poetry and song. In the mist of all of this I believe I made a GREAT mark at this school, I felt like such a star every time I passed a classroom or entered a classroom, it was as if they had never seen a African American! Boys AND girls were trying to take me home to Momma. (Apparently there was a female who liked me just a little TOO much, but either way...) The FESTIVAL was priceless and I cried the WHOLE TIME.

I had a date later that night with a wonderful young ZULU PRINCE who took me out for a night on the town! On Saturday we had a BRIEFING on our rural stay which was in Dokodweni. We were to facilitate a camp for 5 days and DISCUSS the Gender, Racial and Social constraints on the young people of SA. We arrived on Sunday and started our program that following Monday. It was such a humbling feeling to wake up at 6AM, heat my water and pour it in a basin, wash, eat what the chicken laid for us and finally WALK for 30 minutes towards the beach to a camp full of village children.

We had an itinerary for each day and it involved heated discussions and debates in Zulu and English every day. On our last day Jack brought out his guitar and we played musical games until 12pm, which is when we left for our SAFARI!!

July 2-8: We arrived at INSINKWE Lodge on Friday evening and had a braai (barbecue) of chicken, sausage links and lamb. Everyone (but me) got SLOPPY DRUNK and I almost choked about 3 and HALF people (don't ask where the half comes from). We crawled to bed and awoke at 5AM to travel to the game park. When we arrived, FROZEN from the open jeep ride on the highway, we were greeted by a family of Giraffes, Zebras and Buffalo's. It was awesome to see them in their natural habitat. We headed back for breakfast and then off to Durban to go back to our home stays. We had Saturday night and Sunday off to relax and get ready for our next trip: GRAHAMSTOWN!

Grahamstown is supposedly the World Largest Festival and we were staying at one of the World’s Best Universities: Rhodes University. So EXCUSE ME if I have never heard of neither!! (Rolling my eyes...HARD) The ride there was 15 HOURS in a van; I wish that on NO ONE!! We were staying with numerous students from all over SA and we soon began to hang out and party together. The festival didn't go as PLANNED because of all the rain but we made it worth our WILD!

We headed home on Thursday morning at...you guessed it...5AM (Sheesh, you guys!!) We arrived at our home stays at 6PM and I took IT straight to the BED. Today I walked around downtown Durban with my home stay sisi, being that I'm leaving on Monday. Another date is planned on Saturday with the Prince of Zamunda then we are headed into our last week where we are staying in HOTELS (they are really high class LODGES but will definitely feel like hotels to us).

I have appreciated EVERY SINGLE MOMENT and I have no idea how I am going to remember every single event to tell all my people...oh hold up I am telling you, in this blog, Duh, Joanna...so best believe a NEW WOMAN is stepping off that plan on July 17th. I will try to continue to stay in contact WITH YOU until the end...LOVE YOU

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19, 2011

Today is Sunday and we have had a full WEEK! Every morning we AWOKE at 6am, met at the TOP of the hill at 7am, we were in MENZI Secondary School by 8am and observed or taught a classroom till 1230pm. SIT lectures where then from 2pm to 430pm…WHOOO…I have never been on such a tight schedule that actually WORKED.

This past Thursday was JUNE 16 which is the anniversary of the MARCH in SOWETO which consisted of students protesting against the educational system which decided to CHANGE the official language from MOTHER TONGUE to AFRICAAN which originates from the Dutch. The students, UNARMED, were confronted with police officers who OPENED FIRE and killed several students. One students name was Hecter Peterson and he was only 13 YEARS OLD. A museum was built in the Soweto Township in HONOR of him and we were given a tour on one of the FIRST days of our arrival. But on the anniversary we visited the FIFA Stadium and were given time to reflect on the sacrifices that were made for education 35 YEARS AGO. 

This weekend we took a mini-vacation to the Wild Coast Sun beaches on the SOUTH COAST of Durban.  We went hiking across the beach and up into the mountains along this coast.  I ALMOST DIDN’T MAKE…It had to be the tallest mountain in the world (by the way I’ve never hiked before so I could be exaggerating) but I felt like I was walking for DAYS!! Once we arrived to our destination we were driven to a village where the house mother served us lunch. We ate in a dome shaped house that seemed to be ONLY used as the kitchen for the whole village.

We soon left and traveled on to an exotic bed and breakfast on the coast named KU-BOBOYI where we relaxed from the day’s events. We DANCED and LAUGHED till we were completely wiped out. The ride home was quiet and refreshing.

Papers are coming up and readings are being assigned. Internet is not readily available but please stay tuned…something AWESOME is bound to happen…ttyl

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 12, 2011(Sunday)

SAWBONA!!...I moved in with my home stay family this weekend in an area called Bonella in a township called Cato Manor. I live with a wholesome African family. The Mother is a SCHOOL TEACHER, the Father is a 3RD SHIFT WORKER and the daughter is in her FIRST YEAR IN COLLEGE. I have my own room and I am surrounded by family and friends of my host family all the time.

This weekend the WOLFPAKERS (everyone included) and I went to Florida Road which is the night spot for all American Students. We met at Cappellos and started with a warm up round of drinks. We decided that we would split and do our own thing and meet back at Cappellos at 11pm. While spending time on the most AMERICAN soil in South Africa I ran in my AFRICAN PRINCE OF ZAMUNDA!! He is over 6 feet TALL, BALD and BEAUTIFUL. We introduced ourselves and hung out at COCO’s till midnight then like CINDERELLA I had to get home and left my LIP GLOSS behind…lol…don’t worry, I don’t think he went all over town testing it out on the other girls…I hope…lol.

Today (Sunday) my family chilled at home and watched WWE SMACKDOWN…really, my people? Afterwards my SISI and I hung out till suppertime and now we are in for the night. This weekend is the only free weekend for a while. I will be traveling for the next two weekends and the internet will not be available but I will definitely catch you up when I see you. Until then SALA KAHLE (goodbye)!

Friday, June 10, 2011

June 9, 2011

So today it has been 7 years since I lost my grandmother, Lorraine Spinks, to natural causes. Even though she passed in the PHYSICAL she has been with me SPIRITUALLY all the way. I wonder what she would say if she knew that I traveled all the way to South Africa, VOLUNTARILY (daydreaming a little)...

We woke up early today and are now in the SIT office where we have daily lessons and lectures everyday from 7am-4pm. Today we talked about the health of South Africa and had our second lesson on ZULU. Sad Fact: South Africa is .6% of the WORLD population but is home to 17% of the worlds HIV/AIDS cases. Being informed and taking care of our sexual health is pertinent to a healthy and long life. People aren't dying of AIDS as much as they use to because of the advancement in medicine but it would be nice to SAVE all that heartache and just say WRAP IT UP!!

(Ok...Being Serious Now) In my group there are 4 girls who identify with the African American race and 14 boys/girls who identify with the Caucasian race. I must say that in only 5 days I have been offended more than once in this group by the remarks that have been made in observation of the South African culture. Even though I have not yet found my ancestral tribe I still identify with locals. I actually had a local man come up to me and speak Zulu for at least a full minute before I informed him I was american. I already knew I would possibly be offended on this trip and it is has forced me to think before I SPEAK when it comes to other cultures. I see parts of me that I need to change by observing them. By the end of this trip I WILL be a better person, I guarantee it! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

OMG, you guys!!! I have been without the INTERNET since Saturday June 4th…I have truly MISSED you but don’t worry I’m going to catch you up real quick.

So I came into the airport on Saturday and got some lunch a Cappello where the servers dressed a little like MICHAEL JACKSON from Smooth Criminal, you know, the hat cocked to the side and the suspenders…it was cute, trust me. I paid R113.00 (that’s only $16.94) for a CHICKEN SANDWICH, FRIES AND A GREEK SALAD, what a deal! Then I was able to get on the internet, check facebook, and noticed that two of my group members were in the airport waiting downstairs. I searched all over looking for someone who looked a little lost and found my two FUTURE BESTIES in a coffee shop typing away on their laptops.

I recognized Jordan right away from facebook and called her name and then was introduced to Alyssa R who was sitting beside her. I was so RELIEVED to be with a portion of my group and my fears IMMEDIATLEY left me. We chatted normally until Kathy D showed up from a delayed flight and completed what would be known in the future as the “WOLF PACK”!! We clicked so well and laughed so hard at all the same things. I blamed it on the oxygen deprivation, being that Johannesburg was reportedly the highest point in South Africa, which made us laugh even HARDER. We eventually met the whole group at 6pm and were introduced to our residing professors and SIT associates. Everyone is a BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE OF CULTURE. We have Jamaican heritage, Dutch, Puerto Rican, Biracial backgrounds and these wonderful people are a great representation of AMERICA.

So our days are PACKED!!! We have been staying in various BED AND BREAKFAST (TRAVELERS LODGES) until we reach our home stays on June 10th. We start at 7am with breakfast and then a lecture or group trip till 12pm, lunch is served then we have a group activity till 6pm. Our dinner is at 6pm then we are free for the evening.  I have been THE LIFE OF PARTY since we began and it has just come natural for me to embrace everyone. We have 4 boys and 14 girls, I am the oldest (of course) and the associates are very laid back. I’m just trying to keep in mind that school work is coming SOON (7-10 page papers!!!) so I’m trying to not get too relax.

Right now I am in Durban, SA sitting on my twin sized bed beside a ceiling high window that looks down into an exotic garden of trees and flowers. The air here is so light (remember oxygen deprivation…lol) and I am on my journey of self-evaluation and reconstruction. I miss you all but I’ve missed JOANNA the most and can’t wait to find her…here in the African Sun.

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 4, 2011

Its 3:25am and I have YET to fall asleep. I arrived in Johannesburg at 5:33pm (my time) 11:33am (your time)...Im doing WELL just can't sleep. 

I will talk more tomorrow!

June 3, 2011

SAWUBONA (Welcome)…I haven’t yet reached my destination but I have such a strong feeling of WELCOME in my spirit. As I was waiting to board in the Dulles Airport there was a NATIVE from Senegal who was in a frustrating situation concerning her ticket. I noticed that she had requested the HELP of a man sitting next to her as far as how to work the pay phone. For the next two hours this man helped her call ALL her relatives in Senegal, buy a calling card and eventually spoke on her behalf at the help desk.

I had a sense of PRIDE as I watched them because he didn’t have to help her AT ALL! He could have said NO and moved to another seat. LATER on, on my flight from DC to Dakar, Senegal I was seated with another NATIVE from Senegal. The initial conversation was the NORMAL hellos and where are you from and where are you going, but soon the plane started to take off and I QUICKLY informed him that this was my FIRST TIME flying ever!! He smiled and said “Really?” As the plane took off human nature took over and I started saying “ Ohhh Lawd…Ohhh Lawd…Help Me now ” and I really don’t KNOW what he was doing but I bet he was hoping I didn’t break out in TONUGES!...lol
It’s funny how a 7 hour flight, 4 feet of space, two over head lights and one TV will bring two strangers to a very comfortable level. He’s English wasn’t very well but we managed and while I was taking my 100TH nap he bought me a duty free gift, along with one for his wife. I was shocked and grateful but declined the gift as soon as I realized he was giving it to me and the DISAPPOINTMENT on his face was sooo EVIDENT I quickly accepted the gift and said THANK YOU.  I was immediately reminded that refusal of such gestures in other nations is taken as an insult but Americans,  especially African Americans,  are so accustom to never accepting gifts or hand outs from anyone,  it was just automatic.

I have an hour layover in Dakar, Senegal where I PLAN on getting the feeling back in my arms and legs and probably grab a sandwich. The AIRPLANE food is decent considering it was prepared IN THE SKY and the entertainment is scarce but I’m managing. It feels good not to be SOO connected to you guys…no phone, barely accessing the internet…makes me feel HUMAN again.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011

Good Evening...7 DAYS till take off!!! (I shouted that right in your FACE) and I am going BANANAS. I have cried A LITTLE and got sick to my stomach thinking about the FLIGHT. I don't know if I told you already but I joined my study abroad FACEBOOK group and they are GREAT!! I can't wait to meet them and learn so much from them.

TODAY I was off so I went to the movies and saw HANGOVER II...HIL-AR-I-OUS!!! And to think, Zach came from Wilkesboro, NC  (that's the chubby dude that's always spiking their beer or in this case the  MARSHMALLOWS) Then I went to Coldstones and got some AWESOME ice cream...

So I KNOW I'm only leaving for 6 weeks- not 6 months or even 1 year...but this is big, B-I-G big (Shout out to Biggie Smalls (spelling)) and its MY life that I am offering up to the EDUCATION ALTAR. I hope this will open doors (and windows, laughing out loud) and allow me to change and, I hate to say it but, GROW UP!!

So tonight I'm hanging out with some more friends..REALLY feeling the LOVE (I should go to Africa more often...just playing) and then reorganize my suitcase for the MILLIONTH time and pray till I fall asleep.

You have been a wonderful audience but the next time we speak I should be in the AIR or in my motherland, AFRICA!!!....ttyl

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011

Good Morning....13 DAYS TILL DEPARTURE!! I am so scared, excited and worried...I'm ALL over the place. I was doing just fine until I started to RECEIVE the financial aid..now it seems like I STILL don't have enough...I have already ACCEPTED that this is going to be FRUSTRATING to the LAST minute...so LET'S GO!!!

For the pass 8 days I have been WORKING and PLANNING and CALLING trying to make sure that I have everything...THIS weekend is my GOING AWAY party (hope I'm not partying for nothing...shout out to Financial Aid Department)...and I hope to say GOODBYE to all my friends and family and just really enjoy the last couple days in my world.

I plan on keeping you UPDATED while I'm abroad but the INTERNET might be an obstacle...I have now seen SOME of the people I am traveling with thanks to FACEBOOK and I think I'm going to be OK!!

I'm going to READ a little this morning so I will type to you later...(smiling)...BYE!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

Good Morning....3 WEEKS TILL TAKE OFF and the way my weeks go that really feels like 3 days! I am getting comfortable with the whole IDEA of being in another COUNTRY but I HAVE NOT started to pack! I think when I start to pack thats when its going to HIT me..(pretending to cry).

I'm off today and I plan on just relaxing and READING on South Africa as much as I can. I am constantly getting updates and emails from my sponsor and FINANCIAL AID seems to be falling from the sky so it must be my DESTINY (snobbish accent..no offense, snobs) to travel!

So today I will cut it SHORT and wish you a Happy Thursday...ttyl

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

Good Afternoon...So I worked ALL weekend and made some OK money, paid SOME bills and woke up today feeling CONTENT, but...

I just can't seem to wrap my mind around where I am in life...25, SENIOR in college, SINGLE and child-less and...out of nowhere...GOING TO SOUTH AFRICA...for education, nonetheless...Life is HILARIOUS!!!

So today's entry is going to be short because today isn't EXPECTED to be that eventful...but YOU NEVER KNOW...until then...ttyl

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 7, 2011

Good Afternoon...So yesterday was an interesting day would you like to hear about it? OF COURSE you would (chuckling). I got up and did some house work and took my LAST EXAM, stepped out to the nail salon for a couple hours and then got ready for work....BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER!! I got to work and had a productive night then went to PF Chang's with some co-workers....AND THATS NOT ALL (if you can't tell by now, I'm being sarcastic, chuckling once again).

Later that night I was invited to a graduation party that I KNEW was going to put me in a tense situation. It was like inviting a GAZELLE to a LION'S DEN for Tea and Crumpets (British accent, no offense). So I got in my "SOUTH AFRICAN" state of mind and knew that if I could keep my cool in this situation and accept this REALITY CHECK then it would be good practice on leaving my COMFORT ZONE . (I wanted to show moral support to the guest of honor, thats why I went) and PASSED with flying colors, so BRING ON THE LION'S South Africa...(whispering) I'm just playing...

It is now 25 days till I am on a 22 hour flight to Paris, France then to Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA!!! (As much hype as I'm giving this event, I better come back with a prince or something, chuckling one mo' time). I would like to TAKE THIS TIME though, to give a shout out to all my readers, fans and follower which all equal a whopping...1 (I see you Tam'Tam!!). But really thank you to every one that has decide to take this journey with me, you are APPRECIATED (Tupac singing in the background)...I crack myself up sometimes (wiping tears from my eye)...

Have a Great SaturDAY!!...ttyl

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011

Good (checks time...) Morning...So today was a full day, considering I got in Thursday morning so late(early).  My best friend Tammy has EARNED an Internship with Cargill and is leaving in 10 days to live in MINNESOTA for the summer and so we walked downtown and sat at the eateries, just reminiscing on our collegiate ACHIEVEMENTS (and mistakes)...we were just so glad that we have a solid FRIENDSHIP because it is so HARD to find one now a days.

Today (Thursday) I had a HISTORY exam and THANK GOD (praise break..) it was open notes! So I did well on that and said goodbye to a great professor. I had packed my clothes for the DAY CELEBRATION of the 2011 Graduates that was going on downtown, so I got DRESSED (very nicely might I add) and went downtown. Everyone eventually showed up that had the time to and it was GREAT!! I met some new females just by introducing myself first and we stayed together the WHOLE TIME dancing and laughing and enjoying the sun....(I see why PEOPLE stay in college LONGER than they should...its almost like an ASSISTED LIVING facility...they house you, they feed you, they give you allowance (REFUND) and they have care free events in the DAYTIME #winning)...Chuckles to myself, that Charlie Sheen...ok, BACK to the story...

So I left downtown and came home thinking about how I'm NOT going to be apart of this life in less than 27 DAYS!! (whispering) South Africa, man..(Shaking my head) what have I gotten MYSELF into?? I almost feel like a bride a couple weeks before her wedding...only in this case I'm marrying my FUTURE...(should I sign a PRENUP??)...laughing out loud...South Africa is going to have their HANDS FULL with me...So I'm going to bed, got my LAST exam in the morning..until then...ttyl

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

Good Morning...So my cat, MJ, decided at 4am, that he was going to use my chest as a trampoline and JUMPED to my window sill!! NEEDLESS to say, I'm up and so irritated. He is a blessing though and I hate to leave him but EDUCATION calls, buddy. 

So its 4 days till the graduation of Class 2011 and I was definitely on this roster but my decision to switch my major ONE TIME and travel to Africa has pushed me back to 2012, how do I feel? I'M GOING TO AFRICA, PEOPLE, graduation can definitely wait, laughing out loud (I was informed not to use any shorthand in my blog, so its going to be a LONG 72 days, chuckling to myself). 

The beautiful ladies of my Study Aboard Office worked so hard yesterday to help me find some more financial aid and I am no longer AS worry as I was about how I'm going to make ends meet. Loan payments are going to possibly cause me to have a COUPLE of heart palpitations but I will just think of AFRICA and "everything will be alright" (that song just popped in my head by Shawn Mullins).

Sidenote: MJ (My Joy) is just going to TOWN on my back as I'm typing, it's just so funny. For those who don't understand that means he's having a field day back there (like that made it any clearer, rolling my eyes and chuckling).

So I will partake in the up and coming FESTIVITIES with no hard feelings and prepare for my MOTHERLAND...ttyl

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

Good Morning...So this morning I woke up and it hit me...I have 30 days until I will no longer be in my bed, in my house, in my state...in my world!! I almost started to cry because it was so much to wake up to. I called my mom and she helped me to calm down but that still didn't change the fact that this ball was rolling and I had better get on it or get SQUASHED!! 

The hardest thing right now is waiting on the financial aid from my school. The money is there but it NEEDS to be over here!! I need buy protective clothing and bug spray and toiletries and bug spray and bed netting and did I say BUG SPRAY!! But I am thankful that I do have funding because I went at this thing empty handed (not the best way to go by the way). I just wanted and needed to go to AFRICA, the home of my ancestors, the roots to my tree of life and what better way to go then through a program that is going to actually teach me something while I'm there.

Study Abroad should be on every one's collegiate checklist...let me hold on a second before I advocate this because I don't even know if I'm going to make the plane ride OVER there, lol...ttyl