Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3, 2011

SAWUBONA (Welcome)…I haven’t yet reached my destination but I have such a strong feeling of WELCOME in my spirit. As I was waiting to board in the Dulles Airport there was a NATIVE from Senegal who was in a frustrating situation concerning her ticket. I noticed that she had requested the HELP of a man sitting next to her as far as how to work the pay phone. For the next two hours this man helped her call ALL her relatives in Senegal, buy a calling card and eventually spoke on her behalf at the help desk.

I had a sense of PRIDE as I watched them because he didn’t have to help her AT ALL! He could have said NO and moved to another seat. LATER on, on my flight from DC to Dakar, Senegal I was seated with another NATIVE from Senegal. The initial conversation was the NORMAL hellos and where are you from and where are you going, but soon the plane started to take off and I QUICKLY informed him that this was my FIRST TIME flying ever!! He smiled and said “Really?” As the plane took off human nature took over and I started saying “ Ohhh Lawd…Ohhh Lawd…Help Me now ” and I really don’t KNOW what he was doing but I bet he was hoping I didn’t break out in TONUGES!
It’s funny how a 7 hour flight, 4 feet of space, two over head lights and one TV will bring two strangers to a very comfortable level. He’s English wasn’t very well but we managed and while I was taking my 100TH nap he bought me a duty free gift, along with one for his wife. I was shocked and grateful but declined the gift as soon as I realized he was giving it to me and the DISAPPOINTMENT on his face was sooo EVIDENT I quickly accepted the gift and said THANK YOU.  I was immediately reminded that refusal of such gestures in other nations is taken as an insult but Americans,  especially African Americans,  are so accustom to never accepting gifts or hand outs from anyone,  it was just automatic.

I have an hour layover in Dakar, Senegal where I PLAN on getting the feeling back in my arms and legs and probably grab a sandwich. The AIRPLANE food is decent considering it was prepared IN THE SKY and the entertainment is scarce but I’m managing. It feels good not to be SOO connected to you guys…no phone, barely accessing the internet…makes me feel HUMAN again.

1 comment:

  1. you write so beautifully Jo! I am so excited for you. I hope you enjoy every minute of it. Soon, we will be jet-setting and the world will not be prepared for us!! I miss you girl, wish I was there with you to experience Africa!!! Love you!
