Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19, 2011

Today is Sunday and we have had a full WEEK! Every morning we AWOKE at 6am, met at the TOP of the hill at 7am, we were in MENZI Secondary School by 8am and observed or taught a classroom till 1230pm. SIT lectures where then from 2pm to 430pm…WHOOO…I have never been on such a tight schedule that actually WORKED.

This past Thursday was JUNE 16 which is the anniversary of the MARCH in SOWETO which consisted of students protesting against the educational system which decided to CHANGE the official language from MOTHER TONGUE to AFRICAAN which originates from the Dutch. The students, UNARMED, were confronted with police officers who OPENED FIRE and killed several students. One students name was Hecter Peterson and he was only 13 YEARS OLD. A museum was built in the Soweto Township in HONOR of him and we were given a tour on one of the FIRST days of our arrival. But on the anniversary we visited the FIFA Stadium and were given time to reflect on the sacrifices that were made for education 35 YEARS AGO. 

This weekend we took a mini-vacation to the Wild Coast Sun beaches on the SOUTH COAST of Durban.  We went hiking across the beach and up into the mountains along this coast.  I ALMOST DIDN’T MAKE…It had to be the tallest mountain in the world (by the way I’ve never hiked before so I could be exaggerating) but I felt like I was walking for DAYS!! Once we arrived to our destination we were driven to a village where the house mother served us lunch. We ate in a dome shaped house that seemed to be ONLY used as the kitchen for the whole village.

We soon left and traveled on to an exotic bed and breakfast on the coast named KU-BOBOYI where we relaxed from the day’s events. We DANCED and LAUGHED till we were completely wiped out. The ride home was quiet and refreshing.

Papers are coming up and readings are being assigned. Internet is not readily available but please stay tuned…something AWESOME is bound to happen…ttyl

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