Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26, 2011

Good Evening...7 DAYS till take off!!! (I shouted that right in your FACE) and I am going BANANAS. I have cried A LITTLE and got sick to my stomach thinking about the FLIGHT. I don't know if I told you already but I joined my study abroad FACEBOOK group and they are GREAT!! I can't wait to meet them and learn so much from them.

TODAY I was off so I went to the movies and saw HANGOVER II...HIL-AR-I-OUS!!! And to think, Zach came from Wilkesboro, NC  (that's the chubby dude that's always spiking their beer or in this case the  MARSHMALLOWS) Then I went to Coldstones and got some AWESOME ice cream...

So I KNOW I'm only leaving for 6 weeks- not 6 months or even 1 year...but this is big, B-I-G big (Shout out to Biggie Smalls (spelling)) and its MY life that I am offering up to the EDUCATION ALTAR. I hope this will open doors (and windows, laughing out loud) and allow me to change and, I hate to say it but, GROW UP!!

So tonight I'm hanging out with some more friends..REALLY feeling the LOVE (I should go to Africa more often...just playing) and then reorganize my suitcase for the MILLIONTH time and pray till I fall asleep.

You have been a wonderful audience but the next time we speak I should be in the AIR or in my motherland, AFRICA!!!....ttyl

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