Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 7, 2011

Good Afternoon...So yesterday was an interesting day would you like to hear about it? OF COURSE you would (chuckling). I got up and did some house work and took my LAST EXAM, stepped out to the nail salon for a couple hours and then got ready for work....BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER!! I got to work and had a productive night then went to PF Chang's with some co-workers....AND THATS NOT ALL (if you can't tell by now, I'm being sarcastic, chuckling once again).

Later that night I was invited to a graduation party that I KNEW was going to put me in a tense situation. It was like inviting a GAZELLE to a LION'S DEN for Tea and Crumpets (British accent, no offense). So I got in my "SOUTH AFRICAN" state of mind and knew that if I could keep my cool in this situation and accept this REALITY CHECK then it would be good practice on leaving my COMFORT ZONE . (I wanted to show moral support to the guest of honor, thats why I went) and PASSED with flying colors, so BRING ON THE LION'S South Africa...(whispering) I'm just playing...

It is now 25 days till I am on a 22 hour flight to Paris, France then to Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA!!! (As much hype as I'm giving this event, I better come back with a prince or something, chuckling one mo' time). I would like to TAKE THIS TIME though, to give a shout out to all my readers, fans and follower which all equal a whopping...1 (I see you Tam'Tam!!). But really thank you to every one that has decide to take this journey with me, you are APPRECIATED (Tupac singing in the background)...I crack myself up sometimes (wiping tears from my eye)...

Have a Great SaturDAY!!...ttyl

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