Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

Good Morning...So this morning I woke up and it hit me...I have 30 days until I will no longer be in my bed, in my house, in my state...in my world!! I almost started to cry because it was so much to wake up to. I called my mom and she helped me to calm down but that still didn't change the fact that this ball was rolling and I had better get on it or get SQUASHED!! 

The hardest thing right now is waiting on the financial aid from my school. The money is there but it NEEDS to be over here!! I need buy protective clothing and bug spray and toiletries and bug spray and bed netting and did I say BUG SPRAY!! But I am thankful that I do have funding because I went at this thing empty handed (not the best way to go by the way). I just wanted and needed to go to AFRICA, the home of my ancestors, the roots to my tree of life and what better way to go then through a program that is going to actually teach me something while I'm there.

Study Abroad should be on every one's collegiate checklist...let me hold on a second before I advocate this because I don't even know if I'm going to make the plane ride OVER there, lol...ttyl

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