Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011

Good Morning...So my cat, MJ, decided at 4am, that he was going to use my chest as a trampoline and JUMPED to my window sill!! NEEDLESS to say, I'm up and so irritated. He is a blessing though and I hate to leave him but EDUCATION calls, buddy. 

So its 4 days till the graduation of Class 2011 and I was definitely on this roster but my decision to switch my major ONE TIME and travel to Africa has pushed me back to 2012, how do I feel? I'M GOING TO AFRICA, PEOPLE, graduation can definitely wait, laughing out loud (I was informed not to use any shorthand in my blog, so its going to be a LONG 72 days, chuckling to myself). 

The beautiful ladies of my Study Aboard Office worked so hard yesterday to help me find some more financial aid and I am no longer AS worry as I was about how I'm going to make ends meet. Loan payments are going to possibly cause me to have a COUPLE of heart palpitations but I will just think of AFRICA and "everything will be alright" (that song just popped in my head by Shawn Mullins).

Sidenote: MJ (My Joy) is just going to TOWN on my back as I'm typing, it's just so funny. For those who don't understand that means he's having a field day back there (like that made it any clearer, rolling my eyes and chuckling).

So I will partake in the up and coming FESTIVITIES with no hard feelings and prepare for my MOTHERLAND...ttyl

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