Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20, 2011

Good Morning....13 DAYS TILL DEPARTURE!! I am so scared, excited and worried...I'm ALL over the place. I was doing just fine until I started to RECEIVE the financial it seems like I STILL don't have enough...I have already ACCEPTED that this is going to be FRUSTRATING to the LAST LET'S GO!!!

For the pass 8 days I have been WORKING and PLANNING and CALLING trying to make sure that I have everything...THIS weekend is my GOING AWAY party (hope I'm not partying for nothing...shout out to Financial Aid Department)...and I hope to say GOODBYE to all my friends and family and just really enjoy the last couple days in my world.

I plan on keeping you UPDATED while I'm abroad but the INTERNET might be an obstacle...I have now seen SOME of the people I am traveling with thanks to FACEBOOK and I think I'm going to be OK!!

I'm going to READ a little this morning so I will type to you later...(smiling)...BYE!

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