Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011

Good (checks time...) Morning...So today was a full day, considering I got in Thursday morning so late(early).  My best friend Tammy has EARNED an Internship with Cargill and is leaving in 10 days to live in MINNESOTA for the summer and so we walked downtown and sat at the eateries, just reminiscing on our collegiate ACHIEVEMENTS (and mistakes)...we were just so glad that we have a solid FRIENDSHIP because it is so HARD to find one now a days.

Today (Thursday) I had a HISTORY exam and THANK GOD (praise break..) it was open notes! So I did well on that and said goodbye to a great professor. I had packed my clothes for the DAY CELEBRATION of the 2011 Graduates that was going on downtown, so I got DRESSED (very nicely might I add) and went downtown. Everyone eventually showed up that had the time to and it was GREAT!! I met some new females just by introducing myself first and we stayed together the WHOLE TIME dancing and laughing and enjoying the sun....(I see why PEOPLE stay in college LONGER than they should...its almost like an ASSISTED LIVING facility...they house you, they feed you, they give you allowance (REFUND) and they have care free events in the DAYTIME #winning)...Chuckles to myself, that Charlie Sheen...ok, BACK to the story...

So I left downtown and came home thinking about how I'm NOT going to be apart of this life in less than 27 DAYS!! (whispering) South Africa, man..(Shaking my head) what have I gotten MYSELF into?? I almost feel like a bride a couple weeks before her wedding...only in this case I'm marrying my FUTURE...(should I sign a PRENUP??)...laughing out loud...South Africa is going to have their HANDS FULL with me...So I'm going to bed, got my LAST exam in the morning..until then...ttyl

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