Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 16, 2011

I am sitting in JOHANNESBURG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT!!! I am going back home and I can say that I am not the same PERSON that left 6 weeks ago. I have been hugging and crying all morning as I plan to leave my SIT FAMILY.

Our last week was in a backpackers lodge called Hippo Hide. We had to complete our 10 page paper at this time and mine was on Soweto: 16 June 1976. We gave presentation on Thursday and that night we decided to unwind and go out the local club....(take a seat because this is going to be a bumpy ride!!).

Out of respect for privacy I will not mention any names..but we went absolutly AMERICAN on they asses!!  (sorry I had to cuss). It was 8 of us who walked in but only 4 walked out...the others were either picked up or drugged out. I have no idea what everyone drunk but it took all of 90 MINUTES to get to the club, get to the bathroom and get kicked out!!!

I was the MOMMA HEN, of course, I didnt even get to drink but I made sure that my chicks were safe and secure. I'd like to think that we got extremly close during this time ( brushing someone's vomit out of their hair will do it everytime..) It was the perfect ending to an AFRICA WILD story and I can't wait for our reunion trip (No alcohol please...lol).

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